who we are
新視野智慧科技(Nexvision AI) 為2017年成立的AI科技新創公司,總公司在日本,矽谷及台北設有辦公室,並在歐洲有策略聯盟研發夥伴,我們的願景在於創新自動駕駛領域的技術發展,協同我們的資源與網絡,在科技與來自人性的需求下,協助客戶實現商業策略,朝未來的目標前進。
With offices in Japan, China and Silicon Valley, Nexvision AI advises startups, investors and large corporations in the automotive sectors, especially in smart mobility domain, to support achieving their strategic goals.
Our research team in Taiwan focus on AI algorithm for autonomous driving ,especially on image detection, object detection and LiDAR technology which makes use them to make accurate driving decisions. Artificial intelligence, has become a necessity to make autonomous driving function properly and safely.
We actively use our experience, networks and resources to help clients companies at every stage of growth and developing custom solutions.
what we do
影像辨識演算系統We do algorithm image recognition
動態影像即時擷取、分析、辨識應用,就屬於高負荷的影像辨識AI分析應用,透過演算法或相關搜索取證的數據計算再利用影像辨識技術,自動判斷合理數值範並產出可操作行為或預警系統,應用範圍廣泛 。總而言之, 就是AI辨識技術來監控,取代過去用人眼辨識的作法。
物體辨識演算系統We do object detection algorithm
Object Detection 演算法可開發應用於自動駕駛車輛系統上之環境偵測系統。在過去傳統的作法上,只能處理單一訊號, 系統無法深度學習模仿人類行為。但在現今AI人工智能的技術發展上,物體辯識演算法在結合由高分辨率的激光雷達(LiDAR)技術,這項技術發展可允許測出城市路況, 路上行人或周遭建築物體的場景識別,讓自動駕駛將越發純熟。
人臉識別門禁系統Smart state workplace
人臉識別系統應用層面廣泛 ,在居住城市中,可提供訪客辯識功能的社區門禁管理 ,確保居住安全。在公司行號及營業場所,利用人臉的特徵來做辯識控管,可省去感應卡的建置,透過非接觸性人臉追蹤的方式,可判斷是否為可疑的人物,易於接受及管理。
感測器融合系統Sensor fusion
感測器融合(sensor fusion)是高度自動化駕駛安全性的關鍵。多數的汽車,都配備有基於攝影機(Camera)、雷達(Radar)、超音波(Miniwave) 、光達(LiDAR) 、熱感測器(Thermal senor) 或紅外線感應器, infrared sensor等不同感測器的先進駕駛輔助系統。相較於獨立系統,將不同感測器輸入的訊號呈去演算出融合狀態,整合出高精度的感測數據,來更加準確地感知車輛周邊的環境,感測器融合技術可以做出更好、更安全的車輛控制的指令 。
- Informatics:
- Object Recognition and Object-Tracking via OpenCV and PCL
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
- Development of Device-Firmware and PC-Driver
- Development of an Operating System in Linux (e.g. Yocto Linux)
- Development of Configuration Software
- Development of Tools for Analysis and *Processing of Measured Data
- FPGA-Development
- ASIC-Development
- Engineering:
- MEMS process development and fabrication
- High speed sensor data processing for autonomous driving applications
- Development of a laser beam aiming/direction detector
- Object recognition and processing of point cloud data of a new scanning LIDAR sensor
- Development of a data interface and protocol for a point-cloud sensor
- Development of a control system for a vibrating laser scanner for autonomous driving
- Finite Element Simulation of a MEMS highperformance laser scanner
- AI Engineer :
- AI Engineer is responsible for understanding the business problems, identifying/applying right AI or cognitive computing technologies to solve problems and involving in formulation and execution of technologies recipes for commercial deployment.
- Develop required machine learning models or prototype applications applying formulated AI recipes and verify the problem/solution fit.
-Involve in development of AI Platform and AI projects.
電話: 02-27366070
地址: 台北市信義區基隆路二段189號8樓之4
TEL: 886-2-27366070
Address: Rm. 4, 8F., No.189, Sec. 2, Keelung Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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